Sunday, January 30, 2011


I've seen it done, so. But someone asked whether there was some other reason I didn't say yes to a viable option. I've always thought I knew the answer to that. But when it was asked I found myself speechless.

The truth is, and you know this, I am tired of being sad. I can tell you I know all about fate and destiny and how sometimes people are meant to be melancholy, that sometimes people enjoy being despondent. But I'll be the first to tell you that it's not a nice place to be in.

Which is why, despite full knowledge of tendencies to keep running into walls and jumping unprotected into bottomless gorges, I will keep trying. And the past may remain hanging in the background, and I might not be able to completely eliminate the effects of whatever happened in the past and what it did to who and what I've become, but I've found it pays to stop the addicting, debilitating kind of rumination I sometimes think my cortexes were made for.

I'm going to run my answers down until I can punch them in the face and call them all manner of bad things. Especially for keeping me waiting.

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